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This page is a work in progress.

1. Polutona: Russian Poetry

2. Faces of Russian Literature

3. «Кристалл льда», Рассказы Знамя, 2004, N 11  

4. Klub Poeziya (Wikipedia)

5. Nemirovskaya Yulia

6. Russian Renditions, Cascadia, Winter 2014

7. Religion Taken, Taken Back, Ethos, April 21, 2015

8. The ”Second little book” of Julia Nemirovskaya, Trepang, July 2015

9. The Little Books of Julia Nemirovskaya, by Boris Dralyuk, Asymptote, June 2016

10. Ten Poems from Russia, Candlestick Press



1. Paris, Globus, 2011 and 2013

2. Bures-sur-Yvette, 2013

3. Moscow, Zverev Center, 2010; Literaturnyj Institut, 2014

4. Palo Alto Russian Poetry Club, 2016

5. New York City, ”Uncle Vanya” Literary Cafe, 2016

6. Lyon, France, 2018

List of publications

1. “De l’importance de laver les carreaux, nouvelle [The Importance of Window Cleaning],” LRS: Litterature internationale, Paris, no. 12, 1993: 19-22. (in French)

2. “Germany,” The Literary Review: An Journal of Contemporary Writing, New Jersey, vol. 38, no.2, 1995: 274-75. (in English)

3. “Zhizn’ Barona Del’viga.” Kol’tso A, no. 2, 1996, Moscow: Moskovskii rabochii: 329-34.

4. “Abortion.” Two Lines: A Journal of Translation, Stanford, 1996: 168-72. (in English)

5. “Garage,” “Insight.” Glas: New Russian Writing, no. 16, London, 1998: 182-200. (in English) (Reviewed in: “The Guardian,” July 4, 1998).

6. “American Essays,” Kontrapunkt, no. 1, 1999.

7. “Kristal L’da” [Ice Crystal]. A collection of short stories, Znamya, no. 11, 2004.

8. “Chaiki,” Kukumber, no. 9, 2011.

9. ”Maria Kazanskaya’s Art,” Maria Kazanskaya, 2014.


1. “Uchitel’ khimii. Stikhi i poema. [Chemistry Teacher. Poems]” Komsomol’skaia pravda, no. 193, 19 November 1980.

2. “Stikhi. [Poems]” Parus. Moscow, 1980. (Reviewed in: Moskovskii literator, no. 9, 1983).

 3. “Proizvedeniia molodykh sovetskikh poetov. [Works of Young Soviet Poets]” Sel’skaia molodezh, no. 8, 1983.

4. “’Dekabr’. Poema. [December: A Poem]” Moskovskii universitet, January 9, 1984.

5. “Ispytatel’nyi stend: Novaia volna v poezii. [Poets on Trial: The New Wave in Poetry]”

Iunost’, no. 4, 1987. (Reviewed in: Ogoniok, no. 6, 1987.)

6. “Graf Khvostov. Stikhotvoreniia. [Count Khvostov: Poems”] Komsomol’skoe znamia, 18

October, 1987.

7. In: Stikhi etogo goda. Moscow: Sovetskii pisatel’, 1988: 248-249.

8. ”Stikhotvoreniya (Poems)” Morskaya Cherepakha (Sea turtle), # 3, 1988

9. In: LRS: Litterature internationale, Paris, no. 3, 1988.

10. “La nouvelle vague poetique. Poemes. [The New Vague Poetry: Poems]” Europe: Review litterraire mensuelle, June-July 1989: 137.

11. In: La Femme sovietique, no. 3, 1989: 32.

12. In: LRS: Litterature internationale, Paris, no. 5, 1990: 28.

13. “Stikhi. Interv’iu o feminizme [Poems. On Feminism].” Novye amazonki . Moscow: Moskovskii rabochii, 1991.

14. “Poetry from Moscow.” Penobscot School Journal, Rockland, Maine, no. 1, 1991.

15. “Stikhi (Poems).” Gumanitarnyi Fond, Moscow, # 31, 1991.

16. ”11 Stikhotvorenij (11 poems).” Arena, # 6(304), 1991.

17. Poesie des regions d’Europe, Namur: Sources, 1994.

18. Stikhi (Poems) Samizdat veka: Antologiya (Samizdat of the century: An Anthology), Moscow, 1997.

19. Stikhi, Periferiya, #11, 1999:

20. ”Mozhet slishkom mnogo menya...” Selected poems, Vozdukh: Zhurnal Poezii, #2, Moscow


21. “Andryushina utka...” Selected poems, Malenkaya Kompaniya, NY, August 2008

22. Stikhi (Poems), Neofitsialnaya poeziya (Underground Soviet poetry), 2008-14, ja.htm

23. “Vosem’ nog” Selected poems, Nash Tekhas, (”Our Texas”) # 237, May 2009, also

24. Izbrannye stikhotvoreniya (Selected Verse) “Poeziya Moskovskogo Universiteta.” (Poetry of the Moscow State University) vers.htm

25. Stikhi, Idiot: A Literary Magazine, #10, 2009:

26. Poems/Stikhi, Russkie stikhi 1950-2000: Antologiya (The Anthology of Russian Verse, 1950- 2000), Vol. 2, pp. 680-822, Moskva, 2010.

27. Poems/Stikhi, OKNO (Dublin), 7 (10), 2011.

28. Poems/Stikhi, POLUTONA, 2011 (

29. Poems/Stikhi, Vozdukh: Zhurnal Poezii, #3-4, Moscow, 2012.

30. Poems/Stikhi, Vozdukh: Zhurnal Poezii, #3-4, Moscow, 2012.

31. The Prodigal, Readings/Chteniya, Vol. 5, No. 2, Spring 2012, Issue 18, Montpelier, VT.

32. Antologiya mirovoj poezii (World Poetry Anthology): Julia Nemirovskaya, Reklama (Russian digital magazine), Chicago, 3-9 March 2016.

List of publications
Lizka Vaintrob letter art, writer on a park bench reading within the Russian letter "yu"

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